NT PULLMAIL V1.05 ================= What is it? =========== PULLMAIL is a simple command line utility to pull email from a pop account and send it to an SMTP server. It looks for a To: or Apparently-To: field in the header of each email and uses this in the RCPT-TO command to the SMTP server. Apparently-To: takes precedence over To:. You can also specify a custom field which takes overall precedence if given. usage: pullmail where: = pop server The pop server to connect to = pop account name The pop account at Frontier = pop account password The pop account password = any of: /s:smtp server address default = local machine Server to send pulled email to using smtp, this defaults to the NT machine running pullmail /ps:pop server socket default = pop3 Socket to connect to pop server with, this defaults to the standard pop3 socket. The option should rarely be needed. /ss:smtp server socket default = smtp Socket to connect to smtp server with, this defaults to the standard smtp socket. The option should rarely be needed. /le = write error events to event log Causes errors to be written to the system event log /lw = write warning events to event log Causes warnings to be written to the system event log /li = write info events to event log Causes information messages to be written to the system event log /t:timeout in seconds default = 10 Timeout for any one socket operation. If a socket operation takes longer than this value the program will self terminate. This one helps save your phone bill when things go wrong. /to:receipient Causes all mail to be delivered to the given receipient /r:Custom receipeint field Allows custom header fields to be parsed for the reciepient. For example:- pullmail /r:X-Deliver-To would cause the header to be checked for this field and if found the value used to obtain the receipient. History ======= 15/04/97 1.05 Further change to deal with tab chars 29/01/96 1.04 Fixed bug in extracting addresses from header fields that use tab chars. First release of code compiled for Dec Alpha AXP processor. 30/05/95 1.03 Added /to: and /r: options. Fixed bug to enable working with the IMAIL SMTP server for NT. 05/05/95 1.02 Fixed bug in timeout code with long messages Handles rejected SMTP messages correctly so that subsequent msgs get pulled 04/05/95 1.01 Fixed bug in timeout code 28/04/94 1.00 First release Legalities ========== The software is provided at no cost and may be freely distributed so long as this readme.txt document is included in the distribution. It is provided "as is" without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of mechantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose. You assume the entire risk as to the accuracy and the use of the software. 7th Wave Software Ltd shall not be liable for any damages whatsoever arising out of the use of or inability to use the software, even if 7th Wave Software Ltd has been advised of the possibility of such damage. PULLMAIL is copyright (C) 1995-1998 7th Wave Software Ltd Support and further info ======================== pullmail@swsoft.co.uk - PULLMAIL specific enquiries mark@swsoft.co.uk - General enquires Home site ========= For the latest information and version of pullmail:- http://www.swsoft.co.uk/index.asp?page=freesoftware Mark Woollard 7th Wave Software Ltd Windows NT development and consultancy