extract squid.zip to c:\squid :: copy c:\squid\system32\*.* c:\windows\system32 (wenn nicht vorhanden) copy all c:\squid\etc\*.default *. (ohne default ...) MD c:\squid\share\errors\German Deutsche Fehlermeldungen kopieren nach: c:\squid\share\errors\German MD c:\squid.log MD c:\squid.cache c:\squid\sbin\squid -d 1 -D -z (Create Caches) notepad c:\squid\etc\squid.conf http_port 80 visible_hostname www.clinch.ch error_directory c:/squid/share/errors/German cache_dir ufs c:/squid.cache 100 16 256 cache_access_log c:/squid.log/access.log cache_log c:/squid.log/cache.log acl all src acl acl_clinch src 217.xx.xx.0/ acl acl_clinch src acl manager proto cache_object acl localhost src acl banned_sites url_regex abc.com *()(*.com http_access deny banned_sites http_access allow acl_clinch http_access allow localhost cache_mgr info@clinch.ch c:\squid\sbin\squid -d 1 -D (Run Squid as Task) c:\squid\sbin\squid -d 1 -D -i (Add Squid to the Service, Startit at the Control Pannel)